The ramen noodle secret article here.
The ramen noodle and nose candy is taboo because the body knows it’s abomination to the earth natural order. Sometimes it won’t feel pleasant at all.
You can actually feel god get angry if you use nose candy or a ramen noodle. You’re intuition will know that god sees that as a abomination, just promise god you will be civilized and in natural order.
Abomination is the word. God will be angry and you will feel afraid. It’s illegal for that reason.. thank you for understanding this very important fact about dios and the Mundo as a man or woman in any location.
When you feel abomination we need more music for this faith to not lose civilization and I’m a rapper.
Everytime you feel abomination guilt. Promise god to be a good human and civilized. Because abomination guilt derived from taboo activities which are not natural to natural order.
one ayem ~• 2022 January 2nd.